Quartersawing on a band sawmill page 2

Here is the red oak log split right down the middle.  The quartersawn grain  pattern is very interesting with the radial "ray flecks" standing out clearly. 
The dark center part with the knots will be trimmed out in the following steps

In theory, you can split the log down the center both ways, but handling a full  quarter of a log is very difficult.  This photo shows the cuts that we will make with the WoodMizer sawmill - producing 4 smaller cants and six straight quartersawn boards from the center of the log.  I marked the cuts for the photo, but usually just measure up from the center one to three boards and make the top cut first, push off the cants,
& proceed down the pattern cutting boards.

A major problem in sawmilling is the stress often found in logs.  Many logs bend towards the bark when quartersawing.  This produces curved cants and boards of uneven thickness.  I can compensate for some of this movement while sawing, but here is where the resaw    really  becomes very useful.  The curved cants can be sawn easily on the resaw, producing even boards very quickly.  The resaw also frees up the headsaw to cut more logs.

Cutting off the four slabs helps reduce the movement somewhat and removes odd shapes.  Quartersawn lumber often bows toward the bark even more during drying,  but most lumber is cut into shorter pieces before use.  We have many ways of using those ornery bent pieces and still get full value..... read on.      next