This Really Does Work!

This email arrived recently from a frequent visitor from near Milwaukee....

"Hi Jim...
Made my first lumber sales today. 
3 of them from one tiny ad I placed locally yesterday.
Got 8 inquiries in less than 24 hours.

I feel like of all the people in the world - you should know.  I'm ordering a mill in April and can't wait to get rolling.

Thanks for all your help.
I only wish now I would have started sooner.
Take care...

Earlier, I got a note from one of the first families to take Timber Techniques Training here.  They have set up their own woodworking business on their farm between Madison and Milwaukee.

"Hi Jim,
Thanks for the referral of Chris for flooring. We were able to make contact with them. Once again our summer has been busy with wood orders -
this really does work.
Thanks also for the snipe hunt info. Charles can truly    relate to that article."
The Charles Schadt Family

Try It - You will Like It!
