January 5, 2005
Cherry Oak, Ash, Hard Maple Red Maple Red Cedar
Walnut Basswood, Elm, Hickory Aspen
Butternut Birch, Black Locust Pine
10"+ Clear $4.95 $3.95 $2.25 1/2" - $1.00/sqft
FAS 4.35 3.35 1.95
Select 3.35 2.85 1.80 1" - $1.50/bf
#1Common 2.50 1.85 1.25 $2.00/bf
#2 Common 1.50 1.25 1.25
#3 Common 1.00 1.00 1.00
Thin lumber is $1.00 per square foot (3/8", 1/2") rough, $1.15/square foot S2S
Custom Services:
Planing S2S $.15/bf Sawmilling - $55/hour
Millwork - $55/hour Kiln Drying - $.25/bf
Wide Plank Flooring:
Red Oak, White Oak, Ash, Cherry, Birch, Walnut, Pine.
2-6" $3.35/sqft - rustic grade (add 10% to your square footage for trim)
7-12" $3.95/sqft - rustic grade
2-6" $4.95/sqft - select grade
7-12" $6.95/sqft - select grade
Strip Flooring 2.25", 3.25" Rustic grade now available - $3.35/sqft
Fantastic Flooring - The ultimate wide plank floor for a unique Great Room - call for current market price.
Flooring installation is now available from Timbergreen, starting at $5.00/sqft.
Directions to Timbergreen Farm: Here is a Map!
From Spring Green, take Highway 23 North 2 miles, just over the crest of the first hill.
Turn right onto County Highway WC.
Go East on WC for 2 miles and take the second left turn onto Weidner Road.
After 1/4 mile, take the right fork onto Soeldner Road.
Go 1 mile to the only farm on the left near the end of the road.
Please call before you come to be sure we are available to serve you.
Timbergreen Farm www.timbergreenforestry.com
S11478 Soeldner Road
Spring Green, Wis. 53588
(608) 588-7342 or 588-7651 fax
Solar Cycle Kiln Blueprints and construction booklet is now available for $29.95
Full Vigor Forestry - Sustainable Forest Management from the Forest Owner's Point of View
by Jim Birkemeier is available from Timbergreen for $12 (add $4 for shipping)