The best of logging:
A timber harvest should always improve the forest and increase annual growth.
Always harvest the worst trees first - let the best trees grow and regenerate as long as they have good vigor.
No damage is accepted - the forest is our future and must be respected.
Professional, well-paid loggers using small equipment are essential.
An annual harvest system is much more productive than a large harvest every 20 years.
Good roads and trails are needed for tending the forest.  All machines stay on the trails.

The best of sawmilling:
Plan ahead to produce high value products, not high volume commodities.
Know your final product, use efficient tools, and work to minimize waste.
Keep your tools sharp and work smart.  Avoid old industrial traditions.
Work in a safe and comfortable space.
Use raised beds & tables and rollers to move heavy pieces of wood.

The best of kiln drying:
Pre dry your lumber fully before beginning the heat cycle.
Stack your wood on flat floors, placing stickers accurately, and keep piles under a roof.
Nylon straps around the top 20 layers of lumber keeps the boards in the whole pile flat.
Solar Cycle kilns naturally "condition" the lumber every day, minimize drying defects, and use free solar power to reduce energy costs.
Producing the best quality lumber available encourages repeat sales.
When the woods comes out of the kiln, store dry wood in a humidity controlled room.
Don't try to dry lumber as fast as possible�.  Be kind to your boards, they are valuable!

The best of manufacturing:
Plan to make high quality products, not just produce big quantities.
Know your end product and work to minimize waste.
Good machines make you good money - become one with each machine as you work.
Make a variety of products and take each board to its best value use.
Keep things simple and complete.
Super Glue and sawdust makes a natural and strong filler when using character wood.
Custom craft a unique creation for each customer.
Tour successful businesses, watch experienced workers, and copy the good ideas.
