Tornado Warning - March 31, 2007

'Near Potosi Wisconsin', the far SW corner of the state.

Spring Green was forwarded these photos from our neighbors to the SW several days later.
The original email is from Tina Benish-Holmes. Brave Girl!

As a firefighter, this is one of our duties - to go out and "spot" tornadoes to give "early warning" to our residents. What I remember from my training class: If your firetruck starts spinning and levitating, You Have Spotted One!

I went out to "spot" just before dark as this storm line came into Spring Green. All I saw was lightning and heavy rain, heard a little small hail. There were many reports of tornados in the area, but we were lucky - there was little damage from these storms. For this to happen a full month before our tornado season normally even begins is pretty spooky.

Next, we get a half foot of snow tomorrow - April 10, 2007. Maybe Al Gore has a point?

